We are opening opportunities for brave Ukrainian ideas

About us

Ukrainian Promotion Office is a strategic office that specializes in building systemic communications and promoting Ukrainian brands, leaders, and organizations in full-scale war conditions. 

Through communication campaigns, our team aims to enhance trust and recognition of Ukrainian brands, organizations, and experts, develop international partnerships, and draw global attention to brave Ukrainian ideas.

Our Mission

Events, personalities, and brands – these are the three components that shape the image of a country on the global stage. Each influential leader, brand, and event sets out their mark and contributes to the identity of Ukraine. With the expertise of our professionals, you can create your unique imprint, strengthening Ukraine's identity and underscoring the significance of your brand.


Since the first days of the full-scale war, the Ukrainian Promotion Office has implemented communication projects in cooperation with state authorities, foreign government institutions, law enforcement agencies, businesses, and non-governmental organizations. The communication campaigns were aimed at objective coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the global media, combating disinformation, and building a positive image of Ukraine. Communication projects were focused on audiences in European countries, America, Middle East, South and Southeast Asia.

Areas of expertise:

Being aware of the requirements of our time, our specialists possess extensive communication experience across various industries, we are eager (ready) to work and make progress with our clients. 

Intellectual Leadership

Significant historical periods always "give birth" to leaders who embody the most brave and innovative ideas. Our communication strategies and reputation management amplify leaders from various fields, assisting their ideas and projects in gaining trust, followers, and recognition.


Ukrainian artistic projects captivate with their creativity, innovation, and quality, but due to long-standing biases, they aren't always appreciated at the appropriate level in Ukraine and worldwide. Through creative and innovative communication solutions, we create new opportunities for collaboration and interaction within the cultural environment, forging a successful and effective positioning for Ukrainian culture and art on both the national and international stage.


The education sector in Ukraine is being transformed by the challenges of a full-scale war and requires new communication approaches. Our team finds comprehensive communication and marketing solutions for educational projects. We engage partners, establish cooperation with the public, business, and government structures, and showcases the world about unique Ukrainian educational initiatives.

Благодійні ОрганіЗації, Неурядові органіЗації

Конкуренція за увагу та прихильність між Благодійними Організаціями, ініціативами та NGO – гостра як ніколи раніше. Ефективна комунікаційна кампанія – один з ключових інструментів, щоб отримати увагу й довіру суспільства та партнерів. Наші стратегічні комунікації є тією перевагою, яка робить гарну ініціативу – національним рухом.


Communication in the medical field requires accuracy, ethics and attention. Only after thoroughly studying the target audience of a product or project possibly achieve maximum results of a communication campaign. Our team of specialists has extensive experience in communication in the medical field and understands how to find the right communication approach and gain loyalty to your product.


The technology sector serves as a driver of Ukraine's economic growth and innovative development. However, often the audience loses interest even in powerful products due to unsuccessful and unclear communication. We find the necessary words and tools to make complex technical concepts understandable and the product indispensable for the audience.

Government Institutions

The gap between the state and society can be significantly reduced through systematic, transparent communications and reputational management. Our team develops approaches that elevate the level of public trust in ideas and reforms and bolster the position of government agencies within society.


Communication consulting
Analysis of the communication situation
Development of a communication strategy
Creating a leader's brand
Communication support of projects
Training of press services
Preparation of a crisis response concept
Anti-crisis communications


Project logo
Project logo
Project logo
Project logo

Projects under NDA

  • Development of image projects for the top state officials
  • Communication support for government institutions and representatives of state authorities
  • Creation of communication projects about the war in Ukraine, targeted at audiences in European countries, America, and the Middle East


Sofia Fedchenko

Sofia Fedchenko


An expert in the field of strategic communications. She is known for possessing extensive experience in conducting national and international communication campaigns for government institutions, charitable foundations and business.

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Privacy policyua.promotionoffice@gmail.com
Kyiv. 2023